Through the repeated acts of generosity by the Ministry of Culture, in 2020 and 2022 a total of 385 artworks (359 acquired, 26 donated) entered the MNAC Bucharest collection. PULS 21 brings together a selection of works from both sessions and obviously benefits from the gains and conclusions of both episodes. PULS 21 no longer has the dramatic nature of the 2020 exhibition of the first session of acquisitions (presented at MNAC under the title 12 Years After, and at Kunsthalle Bega, respectively Craiova Art Museum under the title PULS 20), but introduces us to other challenges.
The spatial layout of the 2020 exhibition underlined the volatile nature of the relationship between the Museum and local artistic production, emphasising ephemerality, improvisation, and chance. Three years later, in the main space of MNAC, the exhibition showcasing highlights from from the combined recent acquisitions (2020 and 2022) reflects the fact that we (artists, professionals, audiences) participate in the process of building the collection of an institution whose role is (among others) to elaborate the canon of artistic production pertaining to those from/active in post-war Romania.
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